Privacy Policy

AIA Australia Group


This section summarises key information about how AIA Australia Group handles personal information including sensitive information. More information can be found in the full version of the AIA Australia Group Privacy Policy set out under the heading AIA Australia Group Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) below.

Your privacy is important to us and AIA Australia is bound by the Privacy Act, and other laws which protect your privacy. AIA Australia Group consists of AIA Australia Limited, AIA Financial Services Limited, The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited, CMLA Services, Jacques Martin Pty Ltd, Jacques Martin Administration and Consulting Pty Ltd, AIA Group and their related bodies corporate and joint venture partners (together referred to as “AIA Australia Group”, “we”, “us” and “our”). Together, we provide you the following notification and information about our Privacy Policy and your rights.


We collect, use and disclose personal and sensitive information (“Personal Information”):

  • to process applications for our products and services (including products we distribute);
  • to assist with enquiries and requests in relation to our products and services (including products we distribute);
  • for underwriting and reinsurance purposes;
  • to administer, assess and manage your products and services, including claims;
  • to understand your needs, interests and behaviour and to personalise dealings with you;
  • to provide, manage and improve our products and services;
  • to maintain and update our records;
  • to verify your identify and/or authority to act on behalf of a customer;
  • to detect, manage and deal with improper conduct and commercial risks;
  • for research, reporting and marketing purposes;
  • otherwise to comply with local and foreign laws and regulatory obligations; and
  • for any other purposes as outlined in the below Privacy Policy.

The reasons why we collect, use and disclose Personal Information may vary depending on the product, service, or other circumstances in which you have engaged with AIA Australia Group.

Full details of the purposes for our collection of Personal Information are set out in our full Privacy Policy below.

Personal Information may be collected from various sources, including:

  • forms you submit;
  • our records about your use of our products and services;
  • our records from your dealings with us, including telephone, email or online interactions; and
  • public sources, social media, and third parties described in our Privacy Policy.

Further, we will collect and use Personal Information as and when this is required or authorised by law. These obligations are detailed further in our Privacy Policy below.

Where you provide us with Personal Information about someone else you must have their consent to provide their Personal Information to us in the manner described in our Privacy Policy.

We may provide, collect and exchange your personal information with third parties, including:

  • our related bodies corporate and joint venture partners;
  • the life insured, policy owner, or beneficiaries of an insurance policy;
  • service providers and contractors;
  • your intermediaries, including your financial adviser, the distributor of your insurance policy and the trustee or administrator of your superannuation fund, your employer, your treating doctor or your legal representatives, or anyone acting on your behalf (together, your “Representatives");
  • your employer, bank, medical professionals or health providers;
  • partners used in our activities or business initiatives (including, if relevant to your policy, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia);
  • our distributors, clients, and reinsurers;
  • private health insurers (including MO Health Pty Ltd) and their contractors and agents;
  • other insurers including worker's compensation insurers, authorities and their agents;
  • other super funds, trustees of those super funds and their agents;
  • regulatory and law enforcement agencies;
  • other bodies that administer applicable industry codes; and
  • other parties described in our Privacy Policy.

Where we provide your Personal Information to a third party, the third party may collect, use and disclose your Personal Information in accordance with their own privacy policy and procedures. These may be different to those of AIA Australia Group.

Parties to whom we disclose Personal Information may be located in Australia, South Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and other countries including those set out in our Privacy Policy. If the Financial Services Council Life Code of Practice (“Code”) applies to the insurance cover we provide you, we will comply with the Code when we collect, use and disclose your Personal Information.

By providing information to us or your Representatives, the trustee or administrator of a superannuation fund, submitting or continuing with a form or claim, or otherwise interacting or continuing your relationship with us, you confirm that you agree and consent to the collection, use (including holding and storage), disclosure and handling of Personal Information as described in the Privacy Policy on our website and that you have been notified of the matters set out in this summary and the AIA Australia Group Privacy Policy. You agree that we may not issue a separate notice each time Personal Information is collected.

You must obtain and read the most up to date version of the AIA Australia Group Privacy Policy via the ‘View our Privacy Policy’ link at the bottom of this page, or by contacting us on 1800 333 613 to obtain a copy.
You have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you, and can request the correction of your Personal Information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. Requests for access or correction can be directed to us using the details in the ‘Contact us’ section below.

Our full Privacy Policy provides more detail about our collection, use (including handling and storage), disclosure of Personal Information and how you can access and correct your Personal Information, make a privacy related complaint and how we will deal with that complaint, and your opt-out rights. Always ensure you are reviewing the most up-to-date version of the Privacy Policy as published below.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Privacy Policy applicable to the management and handling of Personal Information will be the most current version published below, which shall supersede and replace all previous Privacy Policies and/or Privacy Statements and privacy summaries that you may receive or access, including but not limited to those contained in or referred to in any telephone recordings and calls, websites and applications, underwriting and claim forms, Product Disclosure Statements and other insurance and disclosure statements and documentation.

If you have any questions or concerns about your Personal Information, please contact us as set out below:

AIA Australia Limited
PO Box 6111
Melbourne, VIC 3004
Phone 1800 333 613

CMLA – Phone: 13 10 56. 
Website: and click on Contact us for details.  


The type of personal information we need to collect will depend on what stage you are in your journey with AIA. We will ordinarily need information like your name, address, date of birth, employment / workplace information, financial information, and details about your medical and health history in order to assess your eligibility for a policy. Should you need to claim on your policy with us, we will need to collect and verify additional personal information, such as specific medical reports about your injury or illness, tax file number information if we are making payments that withholding tax applies to, financial information such as pay slips and/or evidence of employment if your benefit is linked to your income at the time you suffered an injury or illness, and potentially information about other sources of income you have (for example Centrelink, Workcover, any other insurance policy). 

In order to verify the information you have provided, we may need to collect it directly from an independent source. This helps us to efficiently assess your claim, reduces the likelihood of any disagreement about facts or circumstances relevant to your application or claim, and ensures we are able to give fair treatment to all of our claimants.

You have the right under Australian Privacy Laws for your personal information to only be used for the purposes for which you gave us consent. We will only ever use your personal information for the purposes we disclose when we collect your information. You can read these purposes in the Summary section above, under the heading ‘Why we collect, use and disclose Personal Information.’ Likewise, we are not permitted to share your personal information with any third parties unless this is for one of the purposes you have consented to: for example, we could contact a reinsurer with your personal information where they are responsible for confirming the reinsurance support for your claim, but we would not be able to contact a marketing company with your personal information because we believed they would be interested in increasing their customer contact database.

Some of the third parties to whom we may disclose Personal Information, including but not limited to our reinsurers, affiliates, service providers and partners used in our activities and business initiatives, may be located in other countries. The countries may include but are not limited to:

  • the United States;
  • Canada, including our third party service provider who assists us to investigate, manage and prevent suspected improper conduct such as fraud;
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • the United Kingdom
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • China
  • other countries in which AIA Group companies operate including our affiliates, AIA Vitality Company Limited, and their respective service providers, affiliates and business partners.


In some cases third parties may use cookies and other technologies such as web beacons and JavaScript on our Websites in connection with online services like banner advertising, website analytics, brand monitoring and surveys.

This may allow them to collect information about your use of our websites (including your computer’s IP address). They may store information in:


  • the United States
  • Japan
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • the United Kingdom
  • Members of the European Union,
  • Mauritius
  • Bermuda
  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • other countries in which we operate.

If you are ever concerned about how we are managing your privacy, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Compliance Manager by mailing PO Box 6111, Melbourne, Victoria 3004, or by calling us on 1800 333 613.

Should we ever become aware of a breach of your privacy that potentially could result in serious harm, where we are unable to contain that breach we will promptly notify both yourself, any other impacted individuals, and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner about the issue. 

There are different ways you may provide consent. Most customers provide consent explicitly when they sign the ‘consent’ portion of their application and/or claims forms. Some customers may consent to their calls being recorded by listening to our Privacy Summary at the outset of a call with our staff and choosing to continue the call and provide us with their personal information. When customers use our website or electronic services, they may provide digital forms of consent (for example, by reading a summary Privacy Policy and selecting an ‘I Agree’ box to move forward in a digital system) for to our collection of cookies and the information they enter into our website.

If you choose not to provide your consent, or restrict your consent in future, we may be unable to issue you with a policy, efficiently assess your claim, or continue to provide you with the level of service we would otherwise have provided purely due to the operational impact of not providing consent. For example, we would be unable to send you letters or emails without your consent, thus limiting your ability to know that a premium has become payable or that we have progressed your inquiry. At the claims stage, if you do not consent to our Privacy Policy we may be unable to assess your eligibility to claim. 

You are able to request a copy of this information at any time. Get in contact with AIA through your broker, advisor, superannuation trustee, or simply by calling or emailing us directly. There are some limited circumstances under the law where we cannot provide this to you directly, but we will outline the reasons why this may be the case, and assist with other possible options to access this information.

Unfortunately there are very limited circumstances in which AIA can destroy personal information. This is because we are required to retain our business records for minimum periods of time, and in particular it would be unlawful to destroy any information that may be the subject of a dispute or litigation. However, please feel free to get in contact with us to discuss your circumstances and we can help assess whether this is possible. 


AIA Australia Group Privacy Policy

AIA Health Insurance Privacy Policy